Kukup Seaview Resort / 海景度假屋
AH LIN H/P : +6 012 757 9258
+6 010798 1918
+6 010798 1918
-- Accommodation & Facilities in Our Resort ---
We have a KTV lounge, 46 inch Sony LCD computer media player,6 bedrooms, and 6 washrooms and etc. All rooms (including living room) are fully air-conditioned apart from the washrooms. Besides that, we do have a spacious space at the front of our resort for respective clients to hold their activities and events.
We have a KTV lounge, 46 inch Sony LCD computer media player,6 bedrooms, and 6 washrooms and etc. All rooms (including living room) are fully air-conditioned apart from the washrooms. Besides that, we do have a spacious space at the front of our resort for respective clients to hold their activities and events.
kukup seaview resort /龟咯海景度假屋
AH LIN H/P : +6 012 757 9258
-- Accommodation & Facilities in Our Resort ---
We have a KTV lounge, 46 inch Sony LCD computer media player,6 bedrooms, and 6 washrooms and etc. All rooms (including living room) are fully air-conditioned apart from the washrooms. Besides that, we do have a spacious space at the front of our resort for respective clients to hold their activities and events.
We have a KTV lounge, 46 inch Sony LCD computer media player,6 bedrooms, and 6 washrooms and etc. All rooms (including living room) are fully air-conditioned apart from the washrooms. Besides that, we do have a spacious space at the front of our resort for respective clients to hold their activities and events.
mahjong sets/可放3~4个麻将台
Resort front view 宽敞的U型阳台和度假屋的外观。
Lunch~ seafood at Local retaurant /在海鲜楼吃的本地海鲜餐。
Fried bi hoon & Fried prawn cracker/炒米粉和炸虾饼
BBQ dinner/烧烤海鲜晚餐
Bed room
kukup seaview resort可欣赏的风景
kukup seaview resort
Package for customer2 Day 1 Night
Day 1Upon arrival, rooming and settle down
1200 hrs
Restaurant Lunch with seafood lunch at local restaurant
1230 hrs
homemade frieb prawn cracken & fried bi hoon.
D0elicious snacks serving with desserts
1930 hrs
Choice 1, BBQ dinner (Fish, Prawn, Satay, Otah-otah, Fish-ball, Hotdog, Sweet Corn, Chicken Wing and etc.)Choice 2, Steamboat with homemade ikan bilis soup
Day 2Continuous of your fun trip at day 2
0730 hrs
Breakfast (Choices of nasi lemak, wan ton mee, malay kuih, with soya bean)
1000 hrs
Island tour, Fish farm visits & Local products shopping
1300 hrs
Local Restaurant Lunch with seafood serving
1400 hrs
Other services and facilities :
* Sightseeing on boat trit to fish farm after breakfast.
*Air-conditioned rooms with bathroom attached.
*Mahjong sets.
*computer Keroake stes.
*A trip to pulau kukup reputed as World`s 2nd largest mangrove island.
Day 1Upon arrival, rooming and settle down
1200 hrs
Restaurant Lunch with seafood lunch at local restaurant
1230 hrs
homemade frieb prawn cracken & fried bi hoon.
D0elicious snacks serving with desserts
1930 hrs
Choice 1, BBQ dinner (Fish, Prawn, Satay, Otah-otah, Fish-ball, Hotdog, Sweet Corn, Chicken Wing and etc.)Choice 2, Steamboat with homemade ikan bilis soup
Day 2Continuous of your fun trip at day 2
0730 hrs
Breakfast (Choices of nasi lemak, wan ton mee, malay kuih, with soya bean)
1000 hrs
Island tour, Fish farm visits & Local products shopping
1300 hrs
Local Restaurant Lunch with seafood serving
1400 hrs
Other services and facilities :
* Sightseeing on boat trit to fish farm after breakfast.
*Air-conditioned rooms with bathroom attached.
*Mahjong sets.
*computer Keroake stes.
*A trip to pulau kukup reputed as World`s 2nd largest mangrove island.
公路行驶时,你将会经过著名的“北干那那”(驰名全马的黄梨村)。过了北干那那,很快就可以抵达笨珍,在把路走到尽头时,在交通灯前转左(右边去笨珍市区Pontian,直上有笨珍商业中心Pusat Perdagangan Pontian)。沿着这条路南下,大概20分钟后就可以抵达龟咯。
振林山(Gelang Patah)第二通道使用者,从新加坡入境后,可依据路牌取Senai/Kulai路北上,然后在左转朝往“笨珍”(Pontian)方向行驶,到达笨珍后,才左转取龟咯方向的大路。笨珍往返龟咯只有一条公路,非常容易辨认。
新加坡游客也可以在世界贸易中心乘搭渡轮来龟咯。从新加坡乘搭渡轮只须花费约RM 50,而且全程只须45分钟,可以避开公路的塞车问题。度假屋业者也会安排Van车(小型载客车)前往新加坡载客。如果需要这项服务,游客应该在与度假屋经营者洽商时提出。
与龟咯海鲜度假村毗邻的是丹绒比艾(Tanjong Piai),另一个偏僻但拥有完善度假屋与海鲜餐馆,唯由马来人经营的度假胜地。根据官方顶订,丹绒比艾被宣布为全亚洲大陆最南端的地方,并且在这里建设了红树林国家公园,是一个很漂亮的地方,值得去看看。丹绒比艾所在地就在龟咯山顶(Premas)警察局旁一条朝往实叻角(Serkat)马来乡村路尽头,在根据路牌转右进入,非常容易找。
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